
Track Your Stolen Laptop Via Internet

Your laptop? Expensive. Your data? Priceless. Even the most casual users have important data stored in their computer to some degree, say, all the passwords saved on your browser without a master key.

Just imagine someone with your laptop and perusing all you sensitive data without sagacity. Nightmarish, isn't it?


Thanks to PREY application, that fear can be eliminated.

Prey is a small utility with minimal footprints that sits on your computer silently. You won’t be able to find any icons or launchers of Prey after installing, as to make sure the hooligan is unaware that he’s being watched.

All options are controlled via the web based panel. You can select some or all of these information to be gathered in your missing device’s report.

    * Location (via GPS or WiFi triangulation)
    * Hardware and network status
    * Webcam image of the thieve
    * Screenshot
    * Running programs and modified files
    * Lock down your PC
    * etc…

Prey works on Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Linux and Android. You can track up to 3 devices and store up to 10 reports on a free account, which suffice for personal use.

Prey can be installed on a cellphone, too. Check their website at http://preyproject.com/

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